Tuesday, August 16, 2011

 Just One More thing...

Be sure to scroll down to the previous entry to see pictures and read about our August 8th Bake Sale!  It was awesome!  
Thanks for helping us support Africa Heartwood Project!

There is still more to be done!  Fortunately, we still have a few Good Bird crafts left over from the bake sale!  We will be launching the Good Bird Etsy shop in November, and to make way for all of that...and to help us come closer to reaching our goal of sponsoring Barbara...I am discounting the few crafts that we have left over!

To thank those who came to the bake sale and wish to purchase additional items, I intend to offer you a larger discount:

READing Pillows were $15; For bake sale attendees: $10
Wordy Bird Necklaces were $5; For bake sale attendees: $3
Ribbon Corsages were $5; For bake sale attendees: $3
Fabric Covered Notebooks were $4, For bake sale attendees: $2
"Good Bird" cut paper art were $8, For bake sale attendees: $4

And if you missed out on the bake sale but still wish to contribute, the discounted prices for remaining items are as follows:

READing Pillows - $12
Wordy Bird Necklaces - $4
Ribbon Corsages - $4
Fabric Covered Notebooks - $3
"Good Bird" cut paper art - $5

Here are some images of the remaining items:

Just a few corsages left...but some of these are my favorites!  
Perfect for fall!

Fabric covered notebooks are nice on your desk, for back-to-school, for church, your nightstand, or even in your bag! 

Put a Good Bird in a children's room, your craft room, or anywhere you want a little whimsy!  Scroll down to our pre-bake sale blog post to see the inexpensive IKEA frame you can use to display these as well as pictures of these bird cut paper art pieces in their entirety.

What a great way to encourage your little (or not so little) reader as school begins.  Pair up one of these pillows with a great book as a back-to-school gift.  These would also make fun teacher gifts to put in a reading corner for your teacher's classroom!
We have several Wordy Bird necklaces left...see below for the list of words in our leftover selection.  These are great for friend gifts, an addition to a birthday gift card, baptism gifts, a little something to put in a back-to-school present...or just for yourself!  Good Words for a Good Cause!
The discounted Wordy Bird necklaces are available with the following words or phrases:  Knights/LPHS (4); STAR; CHILD OF GOD (4); BOOK WORM (3); BRAINY; WE ARE HIS HANDS (3);  26.2/RUN RUN RUN; BYU (5); USE THE FORCE; BE AWESOME TODAY (2); LOVE (2); SING; DO GOOD (2); LIVE WHAT YOU LOVE; READ; BELIEVE (4); MISCHIEF MANAGED; RUN; BE FREE; IN GOD WE TRUST; LET IT BE; FOLLOW YOUR BLISS (2); I HEART ART.

Of course if you have a desire to place a custom order, such as a name on a pillow, a particular color/configuration for a corsage, or a custom word/phrase on a necklace, I am very happy to create those for you.  However, discounts will not apply to custom orders.

Please drop me a line or stop by!  And feel free to link others to our blog!  Until the Etsy shop is functional, I can deliver or ship items, and will just need to make arrangements for shipping, etc. with you individually.  Just e-mail me or leave a comment with your e-mail address for now...and look for Good Bird on Etsy come November.  

Love to all!


Lunar daughter said...

Amy, I want some corsages and necklaces! We might be able to come down on Sunday. Will you be around so I can stop by? I'll let you know if we are or not soon.

following her bliss said...

Sunday should be good...school starts on Monday morning for us, so we'll be getting an early start to bed Sunday night (hopefully!). But we're home from church by noon, so any time in the afternoon/early evening would be GREAT! Thank you so much! Can't wait to see you guys!